
What is notepad++ supported languages
What is notepad++ supported languages

what is notepad++ supported languages

You can select a keybinding as well, though it is option.

  • Click save, and name the command (e.g.
  • "C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensisw.exe" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)")
  • After the location, put a space and type "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)".
  • If there is spaces in the location, use "" around the directory name.
  • Type in the location of the NSIS file named "makensisw.exe".
  • In Notepad++, on the menu bar, click Run -> Run.
  • How to run the NSIS Compiler from Notepad++ Additional plugins such as Function List assist in code navigation. Notepad++ can integrate with NSIS utilizing both syntax highlighting and compiling abilities. Integrating with NSIS Additional Information

    what is notepad++ supported languages

    Has translatable interface to many languages (available in English, Spanish, French, Russian, German).

    What is notepad++ supported languages